

Founded: 1995

Country: China

Branches: 110

Website: Tiens


Tiens Group is a Chinese multinational conglomerate and multi-level marketing company headquartered in Tianjin, China. It was founded by Mr Li Jinyuan in 1995. The company also operates a manufacturing facility in Vietnam.

The company's initial product offerings included traditional Chinese medicinal products, calcium tablets, and instant coffee. It has branches in more than 110 countries and regions, and its business covers 224 countries and regions.

The company has achieved many certificates throughout the world. Below are some of the certificates:

Tiens certificatesTiens certificates part 2

List of certificates

  • The Top 500 Most Valuable Brand Award in Asia
  • Chiense Brand of the Year 2009
  • Chinese Business Person of the Year 2009 (Mr. Jinyuan)
  • Quality Management System Certificate ISO9001:2000
  • Quality Certificate of US Council International Quality Authentication
  • Food Safety Management System Certificate
  • Elaborados Dieteticos SA, Business and Products Registration in Spain
  • Membership of United Nation Programme - Global Impact
  • Kosher Certificate
  • Peacemaking Public Fund Asia-Pacific Area
